Cupcakes & Cocktails is a yearly gala event hosted by and at Long Island Children's Museum. This gala event raises money towards Museum activities, programs and exhibits.
Cupcakes & Cocktails 2022 celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Museum's theater program, using elements from the murals and decor within the theater for the event's imagery for that year.
Graphics and materials needed for this event included but were not limited to digital and physical save the date cards and invitations, a sponsorship opportunity brochure, email blast headers, tabletop menus, labels, stickers and location directories.
A journal was also created. This journal was both digital and print and included messages from the Museum President and Board Members, information about the Museum and its history, and advertisements from sponsors of the event.
After leaving the Museum in the beginning of 2023, they had continued to ask for freelance graphic work done. This included the digital web journal for Cupcakes and Cocktails of 2023, using the imagery and style that was designed by the Museum's Art Director.
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